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Meet The Champaign County Breastfeeding Support Group!

Meet The Champaign County Breastfeeding Support Group!

DSC’s Parent Wonders program is collaborating with other agencies in Champaign County to provide support to breastfeeding moms. The Champaign County Breastfeeding Support Group is not meeting in person at this time, but we are still here for you! Certified Lactation Consultants (CLC)s are open to receive questions and offer support by phone, as well as share educational resources.

Participating agencies include DSC, The Baby Fold, C-U Public Health and The Crisis Nursery. Group founders saw the need for another group of its kind in Champaign-Urbana, in addition to the groups at area hospitals. Breastfeeding education and support information is available on breastfeeding in public, latching, milk supply and storage, weaning, weight fluctuations, and more.

Support is open to moms who are pregnant, breastfeeding moms and moms who are interested in learning more. Past participants in the group have said one of the great benefits is that members are often able to receive feedback in an intimate, laidback, format from Certified Lactation Consultants (CLCs.) Because the group is a collaboration among area agencies, there are plenty of CLCs to go around.

Parent Wonders also has openings for new families and is offering virtual visits!

Bilingual services are also available. If you’d like more information, please contact DSC at (217) 356-9176 (ext. 320).