Meet Lori!
This month we are celebrating amazing DSPs all around the nation and especially here at DSC. They are the heart and soul of everything we do to help people with disabilities feel, and be, included in the community!
Lori Wachtel celebrated her 10-year anniversary in June. She began her career as a Case Manager, and earlier this year accepted the new Intake Specialist Position. She will be the first point of contact for people who are choosing DSC for services and determining whether they qualify for DSC supports. If they do, she helps them take next steps. In the event, they fall outside of the guidelines for DSC supports, Lori can recommend other resources in the community.
What she loves the most about working at DSC is the team she works with, and the variety she has in her schedule. “It’s so diverse here, compared to when I lived in a rural community where everything was always the same. I never know what each day will bring. Sometimes that gets me out of my comfort zone, but I also enjoy it. I may wake up expecting to write five plans that day, but instead, I get a call to go meet someone in the community.”
Lori also told us her work at DSC is rewarding. “The ultimate goal in what we do is to provide support for someone, help them, and then they don’t need us any longer. I saw a great picture once of a person with Down syndrome on a surfboard. A surfer was holding on to them, but only a little bit. The person was doing the surfing themselves. That is a great illustration of what we do here at DSC. I only do what is necessary. I do a lot of screening. I stand back and watch, and ask questions.
After working here for 10 years, Lori has many memories, but one of her favorites was when someone literally worked their way out of needing her in their life. “I recall one person who came to me once and said, ‘I want to get a job in the community.’ So we worked on getting them a job. It wasn’t long, and the person wanted more hours at their job. We discussed this and they asked their job for more hours. When it didn’t happen, they applied for a second job to get the hours and they were hired. Before long, they went full-time at the second job, and quit the first job. Then, the person called me and told me they didn’t think they needed my help anymore either. This was great! I see the person around town all the time now, living life independently. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.”
Outside of her work at DSC, Lori is married to Joe and has two grown children, Dan and Melody. Dan and Joe also both work at DSC. They’re an artistic, musically-inclined family. Lori said she’s fond of the fiber arts and enjoys knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. They also have three dogs and a cat.
We thank and celebrate Lori for her work and accomplishments as a DSP!