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Meet Decker!

Meet Decker!

Our Nation’s Independence Day encourages us to reflect on the importance of our individual freedom and inde­pendence. Join us in Celebrating 50 Years of Independence!

Decker, was around twenty years old, when he approached DSC’s Employment Services Director, Annette Becherer to let her know, he was ready to try something new. He met with an Employment Specialist to provide job development, and found a job on campus for a while, but the transportation became cumbersome. Then a new position opened at Market Place Mall and the time seemed right to make a change.

That was nearly eight years ago, and Decker hasn’t looked back. Currently, he is an Assistant Supervisor, and takes care of the food court area, as well as maintaining the carousel, which is where he got started. “I enjoy the work. I talk to the moms, and the kids. I ask them how their day is going, and enjoy assisting them, if they need help with anything on the carousel,” said Decker.

Decker is proud of his job growth through transitions with new management and co-workers, stating that it hasn’t always been easy to go through changes on the job. “It does get tiresome, but I’m not going to leave my job, because another employee moves on, or because I have a new manager. I have learned to adapt. Working at the mall feels like home to me.” Decker also said that one of the reasons he’s seen success in his role is because he’s reliable and available. “If they ask me to do something, I usually don’t hesitate, or refuse.”

Presently, Decker is focused on learning new skills for being a supervisor, such as how to give and receive good feedback, and how to be a great supervisor. He also has a goal of getting a new apartment in the future.

When Decker is not working, he enjoys playing pool and chess, is a Marvel fan, and he likes spending time with his family in the Chicago area.

Congratulations on your success, Decker!

To read more Meet Me on Monday stories visit: https://bit.ly/1RUdyrs