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2022 Employer of the Year – Champaign Unit 4 School District

Champaign Unit 4 School District

Congratulations Champaign Unit 4 School District!

DSC is overjoyed to honor Champaign Unit 4 School District as our 2022 Employer of the Year! We would like to thank CU4SD for their commitment to being an inclusive employer.

Our partnership with the school district began in 2009, over 13 years ago, when Michael was hired at Southside School. Michael still works at Southside and enjoys every minute. The longevity of his employment speaks volumes to the welcoming, supportive environment the staff provides. DSC Employment Specialist, Joe Rasmussen says, “It is evident that the environment fostered with the school from the leadership team through all staff promotes dignity, independence, and self-advocacy. Michael has grown significantly over the years to become a valuable team member!”

Champaign Unit 4 has recently hired two more people who are thriving in their jobs, due to the positive work atmosphere at their locations. One works at Robeson and the other at Westview. The staff has been very thoughtful and thorough in planning for their time management and job duties. Unit 4 provides an open and encouraging work environment helping to build the confidence, knowledge, and skills to perform their jobs independently.

To CU4SD, we are grateful for your commitment to employ all people and creating a supportive and positive work environment for all employees. You are living out one of your core values: Dedicated to our employees. Thank you for your partnership!